Saturday: Summary of the Week – Welcome sweet Weekend

Last night my husband came home from a business trip. Incredibly how fast passes one week. Don´t get me wrong,  I like it when my husband comes home every day after work. However, sometimes I really enjoy the time,  which I have for myself. Oh how nicely! During one week I had to iron no shirts for him!

You think I had a week boredom? No, I didn´t! Within a week, there is much to do.

On Sunday night I brought my husband to the airport.

Monday morning: Shopping. I bought a lot of things, which are not necessarily “must have”. In the afternoon appointment with my publisher.

Tuesday: Lunch with our older Son. After that, I’ve been at the hairdresser. Sometime in between I´ve written a Blog-Posting.

Wednesday: I´ve visited my Mum. Dinner with Mum and our youngest Son.

Thursday: I remember, that Thursday wasn´t “my day”. I´ve worked for my Book and have written a Blog-Posting. Nothing else more.

Friday: Shopping (with my mother-in-law) for the weekend. Endlessly long with her at the supermarket. Coffee with friends for Lunch. Afternoon and evening: I have worked again for my Book.  Late at night I picked up my husband from the airport.

In these few days I had 32 (!) Phone calls from my husband, 24 of my mother-in-law, 13 of my publisher, 7 from my mother and some of our sons.

And now my husband actually asked what I would have done the whole week? “Nothing.” I replied with a grin. “I have a warm ear and I urgently need a new iPhone“.

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